Poem: Always Winning

This morning when the sun glazed my skin I knew today that I would win… Win at living Win at happiness Win at loving Win at writing Win at beauty Win at doing Win at knowing Win at growing Win more money Win you over Win at listening Win at talking Win at dreaming WinContinue reading “Poem: Always Winning”

50 Amazingly Awesome Affirmations From My Sisters

Today I scurried around like a little mouse searching for something good to chew on — except the difference is that I was searching for something to feed my soul versus just my tummy. What I found amazed me and I hope it will amaze you too. I discovered a nice collection of affirmations straight from theContinue reading “50 Amazingly Awesome Affirmations From My Sisters”

The Love I Want For You [Poem]

Love inspired me to say… I want you to succeed I want you to win I want you to rise I want you to live I want you to thrive I want you to dream I want you to laugh I want your mind to be at ease I want you to know there’s hopeContinue reading “The Love I Want For You [Poem]”

Give What You Can & Give The Rest To God

Sometimes you think people aren’t hearing you and that your words of encouragement are a waste of time and energy. Atleast, I feel like that from time to time. But sometimes when you give people time to process everything and you lay low [do not nag, separate yourself from them, etc.] they actually receive whatContinue reading “Give What You Can & Give The Rest To God”

City Wide Revival, Day 1: Have a Heart of Compassion

This whole week [Nov 17-21], I am taking part of a City-Wide Revival in Seattle featuring 5 local churches and live radio and online broadcasts via ztwins.com and radio stations, KRIZ 1420 AM and KZIZ 1560AM. The Revival’s theme is ‘spiritual renewal’ and it got off to a good start. Up first was Rev. Witherspoon andContinue reading “City Wide Revival, Day 1: Have a Heart of Compassion”

Ten Awesome ‘Think Positive’ Reminders from Twitter

I headed to Twitter, the land of the free thinkers and gathered ten awesomely inspirational and positive tweets that I loved and you will probably love too — atleast I hope you do. So here they go…in no particular order…read all the way to the end and find a very special treat.  1.) Thank you @The_GospelsContinue reading “Ten Awesome ‘Think Positive’ Reminders from Twitter”

Energy: The Key To Your Happiness

These are a few thoughts on energy and how to be happy in life. It’s real simple. To be happy you simply must choose your battles and learn what and what NOT to put your energy into. In other words, figure out what is worth your energy and block everything else out.  Even kindness is energy.Continue reading “Energy: The Key To Your Happiness”